August 2014 SFNFCI Board of Directors and Staff participated in a 20 Year Vision Workshop to ensure a collective voice and approach with the direction SFNFCI grows.
A strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analysis was done examining the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal environment and factors. In addition, 9 building block categories were further examined to help determine direction and strategy for incremental growth. These 9 building blocks include:
Members Served, Core Activities, Human Resource Capacity, Communication, Equipment, Technology, Location/Facility, Financial Capacity and Governance.
The vision was vetted with SFNFCI members in November 2014 with a strong support response to grow SFNFCI be expanding services, membership and becoming self-sustaining.
To read more click ~SFNFCI 20-Year Vision~
Based on the feedback from members the Board of Directors and staff created a 5-year strategic plan aligned to the first 5 years of the 20-year vision.
The overarching strategy is "Growth Toward Sustainability and Autonomy".
To read more click ~SFNFCI 5-Year Strategic Plan 2016-2021~
To see the 5 Strategic Areas click ~5-Year Plan: SFNFCI Strategies for Growth~